Event Information:
Wed04Oct20236:00pm ETIntercultural Leadership Institute's FamILI Dinner Series
FamILI Dinner: ILI's COVID Relief Impact w/Alison McNeil
In the midst of the global pandemic, arts leaders around the United States quickly rallied to design processes that could facilitate a swift dissemination of emergency funding to artists and arts organizations. While many of the standard application procedures and fund administration efforts for these funding programs weren’t as stringent as standard philanthropic practices, the Intercultural Leadership Institute (ILI) leaders sat on many of the grant panels for the aforementioned efforts and observed how the artists, culture bearers, arts practitioners and change makers within the ILI community were largely being excluded from funding opportunities.
The ILI leaders were determined to ensure that their communities were not excluded in the emergency relief efforts. They organized and advocated for ILI to act as a re-granting organization disseminating $5M to meet the needs of their communities (e.g., the artists, culture bearers, cultural organizers that have been historically excluded and overlooked) in a way that honored and centered grantmaking practices rooted in community.
ILI hired McNeil Creative Enterprises to conduct a study that examined the impact of the COVID relief efforts. Come out to the October ILI Family Dinner and hear Alison McNeil share about how ILI did it and the impact that it had on the ILI community. We will also talk about the benefits of participatory action research.
Get Tickets Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/famili-dinner-ilis-covid-relief-impact-walison-mcneil-tickets-722888227147